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  图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!化工有限公司(以下简称尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!公司) ,座落在吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州一个风景秀丽的边境小城 ,分别与朝鲜和俄罗斯比邻 ,是一个公路和铁路运输都很发达的地区 。公司以研发 、生产加工 、销售水煤浆添加剂 、饲料添加剂系列产品 、木质素系列产品 、石油钻井助剂系列产品 、混凝土减水剂系列产品 、炭黑粘结剂系列和水处理产品为主的化工企业 。公司2008年成为吉林省科技型企业 ;

  为适应国内外市场对各种产品不同档次的需求 ,尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!公司先后在国内建立了二个生产基地 、二个技术研究中心 、一个销售公司 ,并与国内外高等院校 、同行业企业积极开展新产品 、新技术的交流和合作 。

  一 、图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!化工有限公司(吉林图们基地)以吉林针叶松木素资源研发为主 ,生产较高档次的水煤浆添加剂系列 、饲料添加剂系列产品 、木素系列 、石油钻井助剂系列 、混凝土减水剂系列和水处理系列 、炭黑粘结剂系列等产品 ,除供应国内市场外 ,还远销意大利 、乌克兰 、孟加拉等国家 。作为尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!公司的试验基地 ,为公司产品的升级换代 、试验提供第一手资料 。

  二 、图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!化工有限公司高唐分公司(山东基地)以丰富的当地麦草浆木素资源研发为主 ,生产适合不同行业和用户的系列产品 。产品有粉剂(年产2万吨)和液体(年产3万吨)两种 ,产品除供应国内市场外 ,还远销日本 、韩国 、东南亚等国家 。

  三 、2014年5月根据公司经营情况 ,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯市设立——图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!化工有限公司准格尔旗分公司 ,公司性质为销售公司 ,该分公司以准格尔旗为中心 ,辐射周边内蒙 、陕西 、山西 、河北 、甘肃等水煤浆添加剂和其他化工产品市场 ,进一步开拓水煤浆市场 ,提高本公司产品的市场占有率 ,为华威公司进一步做大做强打下了坚实的基础 。

  四 、公司设有图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!水煤浆技术研究中心 ,对各种煤质进行专项研究 ,为本企业产品升级换代 ,不断创新提供技术支持 ,为客户量身定制适合其煤种的水煤浆添加剂产品 ;同时 ,对外承接水煤浆相关项目的检测 、检验服务 ,为国内外客户提供最优质的服务和技术支持 。

  五 、公司设有图们市华诚木质素技术研究中心 ,旨在为公司提供木质素系列产品 、石油钻井助剂系列产品 、混凝土减水剂系列产品 、炭黑粘结剂系列和水处理产品的技术保障 ,在不断研究 、引进新产品 、新技术的同时 ,对外提供技术合作 、技术交流 、技术服务的科技平台 。

  公司先后与华南理工大学 、清华大学 、延边大学 、中科院应化所等多所院校 ,联合研发新型高效的系列产品 。公司坚持科技兴企 ,多元化产品研发 、加工 ,走自身生产与国内多区域合作生产的经营道路 。注重资源开发 ,借助科研 、市场平台 ,实现技术合作 、经营合作 、生产合作等广泛灵活的协作模式 ,取得了可观的业绩 。目前 ,已经与重庆 、广东 、山东 、江苏 、浙江 、吉林 、辽宁 、黑龙江 、山西 、四川 、贵州 、内蒙 、陕西、宁夏 、新疆 、福建 、上海等多个城市的添加剂企业合作 。与许多科研院所建立了横向联合 ,聘有知名专家教授担任技术顾问 ,配有专业的化学分析室、高分子合成实验室 、水煤浆制浆实验室 、混凝土实验室室 、力学室等 ,试验设备完善 ,检测手段先进 ,制造的产品技术过硬 、质量可靠。

  经营宗旨 :兴一流企业 、争一流品牌 、创一流水平 、做一流业绩

  企业精神 :创新思维 、超越自我 、追求卓越

  经营理念 :变不可能为可能 ,变可能为现实

  管理理念 :系统思考 、团队协作 、共创辉煌

  公司全体员工 ,愿以东北人的豪爽 、黑土地的浑厚 、超前的思维,高科技做底蕴 ,与国内外用户携手 ,共创辉煌 !

  Tumen City Huawei Youbang Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter“Huawei Youbang Co.)is located in a scenic border town of Yanbian Korean Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture,Jilin Province.It borders with DPRK and Russian Federation respectively.Tumen is a city with developed expressway and railway transport.The company is the chemical engineering enterprise,which engages in research and development,production and processing and sale of water coal fluid additive,lignin series products,oil drilling assistant series products,cement water reducing series products and water processing products.In 2008 it became a scientific and technological enterprise of Jilin Province.2009–2010 it was evalsuated as a enterprise respecting contracts and credit by the Commercial and Industrial Administration Bureau of the Prefecture.In March 2011 the company obtained the right to import and export.In March 2013 it was approved as the prefecture-level enterprise technical study center by the Yanbian Prefecture Government.In 2014 it became the enterprise scientific and technical center of Jilin Province.

  In order to meet the different demands of the domestic and foreign markets for different classes of products,Huawei Youbang Co.has established 2 production bases,2 technical research centers,1 sales company in the country successively and has carried active exchange and cooperation in terms of new products and new technologies with universities and enterprises of the same industry at home and abroad.

  Tumen City Huawei Youbang Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.(Tumen City Base of Jilin Province)researches and develops coniferous pine lignin of Jilin Province as the main raw material and produces higher class products such as water coal fluid additives series,lignin series,oil drilling assistant series,cement water reducing agent series and water processing series and other products and supplies at home as well as to Italy,Ukraine,Bangladesh and other countries.As the experimental base of the company it provides the first-hand data for upgrading and updating of the products of the company.

  In May 2014 according to the production situation the company set up Tumen City Huawei Youbang Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.’s branch company of Zhungeer Banner in Eerduosi City of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region.The branch company mainly engages in selling and the company takes Zhungeer Banner as the center and covers the surrounding places such as Shaanxi,Shanxi,Hebei,Gansu and other markets,where there are provided with water coal fluid additives and other chemical products,and the company is further expands the market occupancy ratio and has laid solid basis for the greater and stronger marketing.

  In May 2014 according to the production situation the company set up Tumen City Huawei Youbang Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.’s branch company of Zhungeer Banner in Eerduosi City of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region.The branch company mainly engages in selling and the company takes Zhungeer Banner as the center and covers the surrounding places such as Shaanxi,Shanxi,Hebei,Gansu and other markets,where there are provided with water coal fluid additives and other chemical products,and the company is further expands the market occupancy ratio and has laid solid basis for the greater and stronger marketing.

  The company has set Tumen City Huawei Youbang Water Coal Fluid Technical Research Center,which engages in special study of various coal qualities and gives technical support for upgrading and updating of the products of the company and continuous innovations and produces the water coal fluid additives suitable for different sorts of coal for customers of different conditions.Besides this the company provides for customers testing and checking of water coal fluids and provides the best high quality service and technical support to the domestic and foreign customers.

  The company has Tumen City Huacheng Lignin Technological Research Center and its purpose is to supply technical guarantees for lignin series products,oil well drilling assistant series products,cement water reducing agent series products and water processing products and through continual study and introducing new products and new technique and also provides scientific and technical platform for technical cooperation,technical exchange and technical service to other enterprises.

      The company has jointly researched and developed new type high efficiency series products successively with South China Science and Technology University,Qinghua University,Yanbian University,Application Chemistry Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences.The company insists on development of the company with science and technical research and development and processing of multiple products and goes along the way of independent production and joint production through the multiple regional cooperation.The company focuses on flexible and coordinative model such as resources development through scientific research,market platform,technical cooperation and joint management and production cooperation etc.and has already achieved great success.At present the company has cooperation with the numerous additive production enterprises of Chongqing,Guangdong,Shandong,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Jilin,Liaoning,Heilongjiang,Shanxi,Sichuan,Guizhou,Nei Monggol,Shaanxi,Ningxia,Xinjiang,Fujian,Shanghai and others.The company has set up horizontal relationship with many scientific research institutes and invited famous experts and professors as advisers of the company,The company has special chemical analysis lab,macromolecule synthesis lab,water coal fluid making lab,cement lab,mechanics lab etc.The experiment devices are complete and the test means is advanced and technology in making the products is solid and quality is trustworthy.

  The aim of management:To create the first class enterprise and brand and the level and achievement

  The spirit of the enterprise:Innovative thinking and to surmount ourselves and pursuit of outstanding

  The concept of operation:To make impossible to be possible and the possible into reality

  The concept of management:systematic thinking,team cooperation and joint creation of the outstanding


  All the workers and staff of the company will cooperate with customers at home and abroad hand in hand for the common brightness with straightforward of the Northeast Chinese and simple honesty of the black soil and leading thinking as the fundament!

地址 :吉林省图们市石岘镇13委电话 :0433-3869918

手机 :13704465972/13944716136 传真 :0433-3811399


版权所有 :图们市尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!化工有限公司 吉ICP备16007782号